...begins now.
our 2024 FADA relaunch...
watch this video & hear about the core principles that guide the FADA team in our
mission to eliminate domestic abuse within faith and belief communities.

what do we do?

we build.
our programmes build networks of academics, practitioners & places of worship.
we educate.
our programmes educate faith and belief communities on issues related to abuse.

we advocate.
our programmes advocate for survivors of abuse within faith and belief communities.

we eliminate.
we seek to eliminate domestic abuse in faith and belief communities.

On-going Programmes
We have partnered with the Museum of London & Faiths Forum a programme taking place over the next two years working with Young Faith Historians that will engage with the Museum's objects and contribute to a film that will be shown at the new London Museum for years to come.
Faith Historians
We have partnered with Civil Society Consulting and Humanists UK to apply the 32 Steps to Togetherness manual originally curated by CSC on university campuses across the UK. The programme is initially being piloted at a university in London this academic year before spreading to other campuses.
32 Steps to Togetherness
We have partnered with the Royal Parks London & the Brahma Kumaris UK on a programme running guided walks across London's Royal Parks for university students of all faiths and none. Our aim is to create a community of young people that consistently engages with nature whilst building interfaith relationships.
Guided Walks
We have partner with Faiths Forum to ensure that voices of young people from all backgrounds are heard. We have already travelled to numerous universities informing over 1000 students about changes to voter ID laws & encouraging young people to register to vote as part of the Greater London Authority register-to-vote campaign.
Voter Registration

coming soon...
NMYC will be launching the University Interfaith Network. A network of universities committed to promoting religious harmony on campus.
In March, we hosted a special interfaith International Women's Day event at LSE in collaboration with UJS & LSE Jewish Society on "Why I Cover My Hair?"
International Women's Day
In March, we hosted an Interfaith Iftar with SOAS Chaplaincy. We had a wonderful time filled with delicious food, meaningful conversations, and an engaging interfaith game.
Iftar for Ramadan
On 23rd June, we are running a London Climate Action Week event titled "Building Resilience in a Climate Crisis" in collaboration with the Brahma Kumaris UK & Sustaining All Life.
London Climate Action Week
Recent & Up-coming Public Event Highlights
join us at our next public event.
our team.
Jeeves Rohilla

Chief Executive
Tara Corry

Alavari Jeevathol

Dr. Stewart Yarlett

‘The race is not always to the swift’ rings true in the context of developing long-lasting multifaith relationships. The art of relationship building takes patience and the process of understanding someone’s values and culture takes time, but it all adds up to a winning formula. We acknowledge that creating a world built with the foundations of tolerance and inclusivity isn’t going to happen tomorrow, but every single one of our volunteers and partners are committed to the journey motivated by that shared vision.
We believe that growth from both an individual and societal perspective means slow progress. Through the application of patience and determination, the sustainable solutions, the ideas that produce maximum positive development will emanate. Our logo represents these fundamental values at the heart of the charity. Therefore, our logo is inspired by the exceptional protagonist in the famous Aesop Fable, ‘The Hare & the (NMYC) Tortoise’.
our logo.

here are just some of the extraordinary partners we have worked with...
we believe in collaboration.
Alex Kyriacou-Drummond

Democratic Engagement Oficer
Siya Bora

Programme & Strategy Managaer
Jabed Ahmed

Programme & Strategy Manager